Summer Day Camp
Summer is a time for kids to explore new things and expand the limits of their imagination. At Y summer camp, every day is a new adventure!
These are in-person, full-week day camps for elementary-age students who have completed PreK-5th grade regardless of where they reside or what school district they attend.
Program registration spots are NOT limited
Registration Fee*: $10/per registered week
Y Members: $140.00/per week
Non-Y Members: $180.00/per week
*Registration fee is non-refundable and is applied towards the weekly cost.
*There is a $25.00 administration fee on all refund requests. No refunds will be issued after each week's final day of registration.
(Financial Assistance Application)
Wilson Elementary School
245 N. Spruce Ave.
Bartlesville, OK 74006
Monday through Friday
7:00am - 5:30pm
*Student drop off and pick up time is flexible within reason.
Open to elementary-age students, Completed PreK - 5th Grade
*Students must be fully potty trained to attend
*Registration will close at 10pm on the Wednesday before each week begins.
No exceptions.
Week 1: May 27-30 (No camp Monday, May 26 Memorial Day) *Registration closes May 21
Week 2: June 2-6 *Registration closes May 28
Week 3: June 9-13 *Registration closes June 4
Week 4: June 16-20 *Registration closes June 11
Week 5: June 23-27 *Registration closes June 18
Week 6: June 30-July 3 (No camp Friday, July 4 Independence Day) *Registration closes June 25
Week 7: July 7-11 *Registration closes July 2
Week 8: July 14-18 *Registration closes July 9
Week 9: July 21-25 *Registration closes July 16
Week 10: July 28-August 1 *Registration closes July 23
Week 11: August 4-8 *Registration closes July 30
Week 1: Summer Blast Off
Week 2: The Great Outdoors
Week 3: Animal Kingdom
Week 4: Sports Extravaganza
Week 5: Party in the USA
Week 6: Music Fest
Week 7: Summer Olympics
Week 8: Community Heros
Week 9: Under the Sea
Week 10: Summer in Color
Week 11: Camp Carnival
NO! 2025 Summer Day Camp does NOT have registration caps or limitations on spot availability.
The YMCA provides an afternoon snack to all participants each camp day.
Camp participants will be able to utilize the Bartlesville School District's free summer feeding program for breakfast and lunch free of charge. Specific times for breakfast and lunch will be released in our weekly camp emails.
On days that lunch and breakfast are not provided by BPS summer feeding program, students will need to eat breakfast before arriving and bring a sack lunch. These days will be communicated at minimum 2 days in advance.
- Onsite Activities -
Students will be allowed and encouraged to participate in a wide variety of experiences including but not limited to arts and crafts, STEAM activities, games, music, reading, and so much more! In addition, campers may have the opportunity to take supervised walks to Sooner Park and/or the splash pad by Sooner Pool.
- Swim Days -
Camp participants will swim at Sooner Pool OR Frontier Pool one day of the week. Swimming will begin the second week of camp. Participants in grades 1st through 5th will be required to take a swim test the first day they attend. There are three levels of swimmers; beginner (red), intermediate (yellow), and advanced (green). Campers will receive a red, yellow or green wrist band to wear while we are at the pool. Advanced swimmers are allowed to swim anywhere in the pool including the deep end. Intermediate swimmers may only go as far as the middle section of the pool. Beginner swimmers along with participants who have completed PreK and Kindergarten will only be allowed to swim in the shallow end. All participants who just completed PreK will be required to wear a life jacket. If any student brings a life jacket with them, they will be required to wear the lifejacket the entire time. Half of our staff will be in the pool while the remainder will be stationed around the edges of the pool.
- Field Trips -
Guardians will be informed in writing at least one week in advance of any program sponsored field trip or activities away from the program premises. The guardian understands if they choose for the child to miss the field trip/activity it will be their responsibility to arrange for alternative care during that time. With prior approval from the Youth and Family Director, Summer Buckles, guardians may drop-off children at the field trip location if they cannot make the bus departure time. The children and staff will be transported by the YMCA on a BPS bus with a BPS bus driver to all field trip locations. Bus departures are FIRM; pro-rated and/or refunds for missed bus departures are not available. Field trip day Itineraries will be provided to guardians 3 days in advance.
Yes, the Y has a few opportunities for you to receive a reduced program rate. Program discounts are ONLY granted on in-house registrations. Program discounts may NOT be stacked.
- Loyalty Discount -
20% off weekly program registration for students who attended and paid on time for Before and/or After Care for four months out of the 2023-2024 school year.
- BPS Employee Discount -
50% off weekly program registration for students who's guardian works directly for the Bartlesville Public School District. *Current BPS badge required.
- Foster Care Discount -
50% off weekly program registration for students who are currently in Oklahoma Foster Care. *Proof of foster care status required
- Financial Assistance -
Up to 50% off weekly program registration may be granted after applying for financial assistance through our Membership For All Program.
Membership For All Info