2024 Letter to Santa

Join in the holiday magic with the Y's new Letters to Santa Fundraiser! 

Bring your letter to Santa to the YMCA and register for a hand-written, personalized, winter-themed letter from Santa (or your preferred holiday figure). This program is open to all ages. Letters will be sent out as registrations are received, ensuring delivery before Christmas!
*You do not have to send a letter to Santa through the YMCA to participate*

All proceeds benefit the Richard Kane YMCA's Membership for All program, which provides financial assistance opportunities for families, individuals, and youth to participate in health and wellness activities.


$15 for one letter

$8 for additional letters*

*Additional Letter rate only available IN-HOUSE. Must have at least one letter purchased before you will receive the additional letter discount.

Steps to Participate:

1. Register to receive a letter from Santa
*This is the only REQUIRED step to receive a letter from Santa. All further steps are simply a part of the holiday fun*

2. Write a letter to Santa

3. Address your Letter to Santa Claus (or your chosen holiday figure)
Santa Claus
101 Holiday Lane
North Pole, NP 10713

4. Bring your letter to the Richard Kane YMCA; 101 N. Osage Ave. Bartlesville, OK 74006

5. Talk to our Welcome Desk staff about receiving a "stamp" to mail your letter

6. Put your letter in our Santa Mailbox! 

7. Watch your personal mailbox for a special personalized letter from Santa!